In Case You Missed It

Antihistamines and other prescription medications can cause sexual dysfunction.

Find the contraceptive method that meets your unique needs and lifestyle.

A giggle after orgasmic sex and a rush of adrenaline is a legitimate phenomenon.

You may be surprised to learn how your reproductive organs respond to the test of time.

The Latest from Giddy

Knowing what causes a fluid-filled sac around a testicle is key to diagnosis and treatment.
AASECT-certified sex therapist Savannah Van Besien answers your most intimate questions.
Adapting together is a challenging journey for anyone facing a sudden disability.
Intimate partner violence typically intensifies with time. Knowing the red flags can save lives.
Yes, you can break it, even though it doesn't have a bone. There's a lot more to it, though.
These on-campus resources can help you get reacquainted with academic life.
You can maintain healthy and satisfying intimate relationships when you have bipolar disorder.
Know the warning signs it will never turn into a real relationship and when you should hang on.
Pierced female genitals are all the rage. Read our guide to determine the best fit for you.
You can use scientific studies to become a better self-advocate for your health.