In Case You Missed It

Regardless of what you may have heard, sexual activity is not involved.

Low-carb diets may have positive effects on PCOS, but they might not be the quick fix you want.

Men, steer clear of knockoffs and get the real deal: safe and effective prescription ED meds.

'My body, my choice' applies to your little ones as much as it applies to you.

The Latest from Giddy

Tooth and gum discomfort before your period may be a sign of menstruation gingivitis.
Find out the signs and symptoms of this infection, and how it's diagnosed and prevented.
Congress creates a pathway to streamlined treatment for those who served, effective in 2023.
Take care of your kidneys. They play a pivotal role in your daily life, and sexual health, too.
Finding new love can be challenging but healing—if you're ready for it.
Ignore the stigma. Find out what sexually transmitted diseases are and how to avoid them.
Pelvic floor exercises may positively impact urinary problems, childbirth recovery and sex.
What are your options and how can you take care of yourself during this condition?
Black women are less likely to receive the recommended standard of treatment, researchers say.
Treatment options for this condition range from surveillance to medications to surgery.