Aleck Woogmaster
Aleck Woogmaster

Aleck Woogmaster is based in New Orleans. He is the founder and Manager of Arts Love Letters and Company and has toured several major regions of the US as a songwriter and spoken word artist. A well-reviewed cooking instructor and creator of the FIFFIK Initiative, when Aleck isn't researching or writing, he spends a fair amount of time convincing people he is a real person even though he has no social media and a name that sounds like spam.

Direct testosterone benefits from high-intensity interval training are documented but limited.
An enlarged or inflamed gland can make urination problematic, though the symptoms differ.
When your member is buried, it's still there but no longer visible on the outside.
Vasectomy methods vary, but they all involve vas deferens modifications to keep sperm confined.
How will this new drug be implemented and who will it actually help most?
Yes, testosterone levels may fall off, but lifestyle choices might be the real health issue.
Recording and performing artists share stories of collaboration and communication in music.
Modern medications and active management of the virus keep reproductive options open.
What do our prescription trends tell us about our state of suffering?
Getting tested five years earlier could make a difference in detection, treatment and survival.