In Case You Missed It

Antihistamines and other prescription medications can cause sexual dysfunction.

Find the contraceptive method that meets your unique needs and lifestyle.

A giggle after orgasmic sex and a rush of adrenaline is a legitimate phenomenon.

You may be surprised to learn how your reproductive organs respond to the test of time.

The Latest from Giddy

The new drug can help to alleviate crippling depression in as little as three days.
Working out your facial muscles can boost your self-confidence and improve your dating life.
Celebrity adoration that goes one step too far could be harmful to your health.
If you have RA and are concerned about infertility, here's what you need to know.
Sperm have a much shorter shelf-life than their role in reproduction may suggest—but how short?
What's the truth behind college weight gain and the notorious freshman 15?
AASECT-certified sex therapist Savannah Van Besien answers your most intimate questions.
Some celebrities and others seem to make it work, but can your relationship survive infidelity?
Whether it affects your sexual function or not, don't let PD erase your love life.
Pain in the genitals may be an inflamed epididymis. Treating it can be simple, but act quickly.