In Case You Missed It

Changes in urine clarity and color can signal body issues you should know about.

A new study suggests the procedure may help reduce maternal morbidity and mortality.

The world discovered this rare autoimmune disorder when singer Celine Dion announced she had it.

Rare examples of lethal orgasms have been recorded, but underlying causes are usually to blame.

The Latest from Giddy

Vein embolization is the gold standard for treating varicose veins in the pelvis.
The emotional film is a dive into youth culture and the stigma surrounding the word 'no.'
AASECT-certified sex therapist Savannah Van Besien answers your most intimate questions.
Learn how to get out of your head and back into your body.
Good sexual health provides many benefits to our immune system. And vice versa.
Exercise is key to a healthy lifestyle, but work out too much and it can become unhealthy.
ED could be performance anxiety or something more serious, such as undiagnosed prediabetes.
Depression and the medication used to treat it can complicate intimacy and pregnancy.
The expanded guidelines could improve opportunities for single and LGBTQIA+ people.
It's betrayal, but it can also be a wake-up call for self-awareness and a stronger relationship.