In Case You Missed It

Research finds more vegetables, fruit and whole grains may reduce incidence by 22 percent.

A study suggests it may be possible to make up for that wild week of sleep deprivation.

Getting appropriate amounts of this essential nutrient can improve your health in many ways.

Undergrad sex weeks invite convos about consent, kink and partnerships.

The Latest from Giddy

PID needs to be treated with antibiotics and follow-up care or it could lead to infertility.
Here's how to spot signs and symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder in a loved one.
This biological process can be responsible for a number of irregularities in the body.
When a birth control method fails, using emergency contraception can help prevent pregnancy.
Do this many men really need to be worried about erectile dysfunction?
There are ways to be fair and ethical in non-monogamous relationships too.
Research indicates that meditation and related practices can benefit both the brain and body.
When it comes to manscaping, don't just reach for the nearest sharp object.
What is andropause, or 'male menopause,' and are the symptoms guaranteed to come with age?
The experimental treatment shrank lesions and reduced fibrosis in monkeys.