The Latest from Giddy

Counselor Anne Katz adds new stories on how to support a partner who has received the diagnosis.
Engaging in simple, intimate activities improves life for people dealing with this disease.
The contraceptive is effective, but does it pose risks? Experts say study results are mixed.
There are key differences between types 1 and 2 of this life-changing, chronic health condition.
Despite the misconceptions, this disease doesn't discriminate.
Learn the links between this reproductive condition and autoimmune diseases.
A study ties depression, anxiety and lack of a partner to erectile dysfunction in younger men.
First identified 100 years ago, the condition is still controversial and often misdiagnosed.
Using your tongue for pleasure can put you at risk for syphilis, gonorrhea and hepatitis.
Research indicates that innovative dietary approaches could address the causes of autoimmunity.