In Case You Missed It

Changes in urine clarity and color can signal body issues you should know about.

A new study suggests the procedure may help reduce maternal morbidity and mortality.

The world discovered this rare autoimmune disorder when singer Celine Dion announced she had it.

Rare examples of lethal orgasms have been recorded, but underlying causes are usually to blame.

The Latest from Giddy

Fertility treatments are pricey and often paid for out of pocket.
AASECT-certified sex therapist Savannah Van Besien answers your most intimate questions.
The risk factors for both are mostly influenced by an individual's age and obesity.
Bacteria are the most common cause of urinary tract infections. Can they come from sperm?
The stigma around this particular age gap is dissipating. That's a good thing.
Having sex during pregnancy is fine, and there are strategies that can diminish cramping pain.
Experts raise concerns about the WIEIAD trend on TikTok and Instagram.
Here's the skinny for cisgender fellas on how to optimize your use of dating apps.
Employing the right coping strategies, you can have a fulfilling love life with social phobia.
One in five Americans are caregivers. Learn how to overcome the accompanying anxiety and stress.