In Case You Missed It

Some men have bigger balls than others, but appearances can be deceiving—and perhaps concerning.

When hormone replacement therapy isn't enough, menopause self-care remedies could help.

Is your partner—male or female—too quiet in bed?

Some suds may promote a healthy gut microbiome and improve your health and libido, a study says.

The Latest from Giddy

EMDR can be used for all kinds of reproductive trauma, from infertility to stillbirth.
Wild tales abound regarding bugs and dicks—and some may even be true. Read at your own risk.
When blood sugar is too low, it's time to get medical help before it becomes life-threatening.
Metabolic conditions are linked with increased risks of long COVID. But does this include PCOS?
An altruistic personality can be more attractive than good looks. Could it work for you?
Low testosterone contributes to more than ED—it could be the cause of your 'moobs.'
Read the personal accounts of actual women who have worked with these pregnancy helpers.
If you want to avoid another awkward first date, these expert tips can help.
The drug that's often used to treat mental illness could help in the bedroom, too.
Can a fetus living in a 'townhouse' rather than a 'big house' cause pregnancy complications?