The Latest from Giddy

Several weeks into uneventful treatments, everything hit at once. But I got through it.
So you have a lump. Your medical team will likely use diagnostic images to investigate.
Surviving the disease isn't always the end of the psychological battle.
The three big weapons attack more than just cancer. Know how they might impact your body.
Orchiectomy is still the gold standard, but some men can retain part of their affected testicle.
Spermatic cord block is a minimally invasive procedure used diagnostically and therapeutically.
Reactions to radiation, chemotherapy or surgery vary, so educate yourself about what's coming.
A condition called hematospermia is surprising but not likely serious. Learn about the causes.
The results might be less drastic than you think, but consider banking some sperm.
An analysis of nearly 200,000 men could lead to improvements in screening and prevention.