The Latest from Giddy

While mostly harmless, this fluid-filled sac in the scrotum can lead to the need for treatment.
A lump is the most common indicator—self-exams help—but be aware of other signs of the disease.
Guidelines among medical bodies vary, but testicular self-exams play a role in cancer detection.
Any cancer diagnosis can be overwhelming, but don't allow misinformation to make it worse.
Patients will hear a lot of diagnostic lingo before and during treatment. Here's what it means.
The average age at diagnosis is just 33, but the reasons are mostly theoretical at this point.
Though advances in HIV treatment have raised survival rates, a higher cancer risk still exists.
Regular investigation can be an important part of preventative care.
Chemotherapy can decimate your sperm count, but it doesn't spell the end of parental prospects.
Learn how to protect your ability to have children before, during and after treatment.