The Latest from Giddy

Hematuria can signal a serious medical condition, but what should you do about it?
The sky is falling. The end is nigh. How do you keep your cool when you're feeling hot?
Inflammation is not good anywhere, but especially in the genitals where it can affect fertility.
'Soft sex' can be great sex, especially to help you minimize pain and pressure.
Unusual masturbation techniques may hamper your ability to fully enjoy intercourse.
The oft-dreaded procedure might not be as bad as you think, and cancer isn't always the outcome.
Dancing is just one step away from sex. Put on some sexy tunes and start struttin' your stuff.
A bone loss diagnosis doesn't have to put a damper on your libido or sexual activity.
It's not dangerous, but a hydrocele—fluid around the testicle—can cause discomfort if it grows.
Learn about 6 flowering herbs that might give your reproductive well-being a boost.