The Latest from Giddy

The start-stop method can help men overcome premature ejaculation.
Sex isn't always necessary to achieve climax. Sometimes all it takes is some fun and relaxation.
Demystify the gaps in sex ed, and learn practical solutions to keep you safe.
It's rare, but some women experience the most powerful climax of their lives.
Life-like robots evoke science fiction, but some real people prefer sex with high-tech toys.
Making a splash outdoors sounds adventurous and sexy...but can it lead to diseases and STIs?
Several conditions can cause vaginal burning after sex, but treatments are available.
Deepfake tech's biggest threat isn't fake news—it's nonconsensual porn.
Tantra can improve your relationships, revitalizing your sexual and nonsexual chemistry.
A giggle after orgasmic sex and a rush of adrenaline is a legitimate phenomenon.