The Latest from Giddy

Coffee consumption is associated with a lower risk of the disease, but don't go too crazy.
Yep, enhancing that once-lush mane might mask a prostate problem. But there's a solution.
Groundbreaking research reveals how genetics and socioeconomics affect survival for Black men.
Future prostate cancer screenings—all cancer screenings, really—will be more accurate.
For some men, genetics can help guide treatment options—and predict risk for family members.
High-intensity focused ultrasound is a noninvasive, radiation-free option for low-grade cases.
Yes, getting rid of the disease is primary, but keep an eye toward life after treatment.
BPH treatments, including UroLift, have side effects. Sex doesn't have to suffer, though.
Researchers are testing CCS1477, a drug whose nondescript name belies its powerful potential.
Extreme cold has been used to help treat cancer for years. Can it help in other ways?