Various treatments for prostate cancer may have more outcomes than just managing your illness.
Urologist Neil Baum, M.D., provides expert advice for the partners of men with prostate cancer.
Sexual dysfunction is common among survivors. Its effects impact significant others, too.
Counselor Anne Katz adds new stories on how to support a partner who has received the diagnosis.
The band's former guitarist is facing the most advanced phase of the disease.

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Doctors may soon have a new weapon against treatment-resistant forms of the disease.
Stress can compromise your immunity and increase the risk of relapse after prostate cancer.
Prostate cancer is life-altering, but it can open a window for renewed mutual support.
Prostate cancer has a significant impact on your life. Here are ways to manage post-recovery.
Medications and lifestyle changes can improve quality of life after prostate cancer radiation.
Help is available for the physical and mental well-being of prostate cancer survivors.
Various treatments for prostate cancer may have more outcomes than just managing your illness.