The beverage aisle in your local grocery store is so dominated by energy drinks that it's difficult to imagine Red Bull, the granddaddy of them all in most people's minds, reached the United States only in 1997. As of 2019, Red Bull owned about 38 percent of the global energy drink market, which is expected to hit $58.35 billion in 2022 and grow to $76.6 billion in 2026.
But the popularity of these types of beverages periodically sparks a panic about their potential health threats, including whether energy drinks can cause ED.
Parents and authorities worry that energy drinks contain wildly inappropriate amounts of caffeine—which is kind of funny. We don't usually think of it this way, but caffeine is the most ubiquitous, widely consumed drug in the world. It's estimated that 90 percent of American adults use caffeine regularly, according to research published by the National Institutes of Health.
If you overuse it, caffeine can cause health concerns. It can affect systems that are vital to proper erectile function, including the cardiovascular system, blood flow and the nervous system—again, if you overuse it, and overusing for you is not the same as overusing for someone else.
"Getting amped up on energy drinks, if you have this rush of adrenaline, that's going to affect the blood vessels that go to the penis, perhaps," said Amy Pearlman, M.D., the director of men's health at the Carver College of Medicine at University of Iowa Health Care. "So when people are amped up and excited and anxious, that's going to cause vasoconstriction."
Too much caffeine can affect your heart rate and blood pressure, and it can even cause arrhythmia. But when discussing energy drinks and erectile function, it's important to focus on the nervous system.
"Caffeine stimulates your sympathetic nervous system, your 'fight-or-flight' response," said Justin Dubin, M.D., a urologist and men's health specialist with Memorial Healthcare System in South Florida. "And while the fight-or-flight response is important for ejaculation, you need to be relaxed in order to get an erection. The parasympathetics are really the thing that helps you with erections. So, I think, if you're extremely caffeinated to the point where you're wired and your heart rate's going fast, you're potentially going to have some struggle, some issue with ED in that moment."