The Latest from Giddy

A blockage in the abdominal aorta limits blood flow to the legs and another important body part.
Your doctor recommends this class of drugs for cholesterol. Let's dispel the myths you've heard.
The absence of testosterone and other hormones may signal future bone loss.
Don't put it off any longer. It's time for a complete physical and other tests.
If you suffer from these conditions, update your menu with sources of flavonoids and lycopene.
As an essential component of erections, NO can be a big yes in avoiding ED.
A daily routine can aid the mind, body and soul—and maybe ease erectile dysfunction symptoms.
The causes of ED often differ between older and younger guys, but the effects are the same.
Managing both conditions comes down to common sense. Talking to your doctor is a great start.
Yes, 'the snip' involves a sexual organ, but that doesn't mean it will impact sexual function.