The Latest from Giddy

Here are the ways these conditions can affect your body, from heart disease to sexual function.
Physical and emotional changes can feel overwhelming but they are not insurmountable.
Know the symptoms of CD and your predisposition for it. Getting tested could save your life.
Is there treatment for this chronic autoimmune condition? Learn how to manage it.
Find out what signals your body can give and the screenings you can undergo to make a diagnosis.
Pelvic inflammatory disease may be a silent guest in your body, but there are ways to find out.
A new study finds the threat level remains high even 20 years after delivery.
People with polycystic ovary syndrome retain more eggs, but is this an advantage?
Some of the disease's causes are in your control, but many aren't. Knowing the signs is key.
Here are some aftercare and therapy options, as well as useful resources for caregivers.