The Latest from Giddy

Don’t let myths about cervical cancer keep you from the routine screenings needed to detect it.
You've conquered cancer. What you have to do now to get your sex life back.
Reducing your cervical cancer risk factors can improve your chances of survival, and prevent rec
This cancer warning sign is another reason why you should never postpone your regular Pap test.
These surgeries are just some of the choices to consider after a diagnosis.
For women surviving cervical cancer, pregnancy can still be an option, depending on treatment.
An infection from HPV often clears up on its own, but here's what you can do if it doesn't.
Feeling anxiety over a cervical biopsy? Knowing what to expect can help assuage your worries.
Most cervical cancers can be prevented with help from your doctor and a healthy immune system.
Cervical cancer is aggressive, but survival rates have improved thanks to regular Pap smears.