In Case You Missed It

Regardless of what you may have heard, sexual activity is not involved.

Low-carb diets may have positive effects on PCOS, but they might not be the quick fix you want.

Men, steer clear of knockoffs and get the real deal: safe and effective prescription ED meds.

'My body, my choice' applies to your little ones as much as it applies to you.

The Latest from Giddy

A lump or pain doesn't always mean cancer. It could be one of these things instead.
Getting older is an obvious one, but lifestyle choices and chronic conditions are culprits, too.
Though rare, this uterine tumor can cause severe symptoms, painful periods and infertility.
Erections, libido and ejaculation can all fall victim to this chronic condition.
As if the first time wasn’t bad enough, more changes are awaiting you later in life, too.
Although this healthcare concern is nothing new, the steps to resolve it are slow-moving.
The tightening you're experiencing isn't labor, but it may not feel so great, either.
You may prevent bone loss with a daily dose of this dried fruit, according to research.
It's time to set the record straight about what crabs are and how you get them.
Even one infection may increase the risk of the disease, according to a new study.