In Case You Missed It

Changes in urine clarity and color can signal body issues you should know about.

A new study suggests the procedure may help reduce maternal morbidity and mortality.

The world discovered this rare autoimmune disorder when singer Celine Dion announced she had it.

Rare examples of lethal orgasms have been recorded, but underlying causes are usually to blame.

The Latest from Giddy

A man's role in the delay of conception is more common than you may think.
A widely available antibiotic may be a 'morning-after' pill for sexually transmitted infections.
AASECT-certified sex therapist Savannah Van Besien answers your most intimate questions.
Here's how to stop cortisol weight gain and prevent this hormone from destroying your libido.
A recent study suggests toxic chemicals in firefighting foam may raise airmen's disease risk.
More singles are ditching apps and trying a fresh dating trend—a résumé for love.
Terence Watts guides people through BWRT, his psychological approach designed to tackle stress.
Don't let the pressure to be the perfect new mom stop you from asking for help.
Slowing things down and being intimate with your partner can make things better—including sex.
Sexual dysfunction can feel debilitating, but there is always a path to liberation.