In Case You Missed It

An infected Skene's gland may be the cause of your bladder discomfort.

Men shouldn't feel embarrassed to show a gym bulge while working out.

Props may help ease pain and add pleasure for people with (or without) a disability.

Hugging, volunteering and cuddling pets all increase oxytocin, aka the 'happy' hormone.

The Latest from Giddy

Not all stomach aches are equal. Know when to seek help for the symptoms of Crohn's disease.
Itchy and inflamed skin due to eczema is uncomfortable, but it doesn't have to be debilitating.
A new study suggests Black men may benefit from earlier, more frequent PSA screenings.
Staying on top of your recommended vaccine schedule can protect you and your baby.
Sexually transmitted infections can be asymptomatic, but common signs do exist.
Some drinkers swear these pills do the trick, but do they work? Are they safe?
BED can make romance complicated, given how important recovery is, but don't rule out dating.
Repeatedly finding similar partners can be a sign of an unhealed emotional wound.
Some women experience far more than the usual breast growth during pregnancy.
Certain sex positions work better than others for guys dealing with erectile dysfunction.