Mental Health - General Information

The cover of The 6 Minute Method is displayed against an orange and off-white curvy checkered background.
Author Jenna Robins explains how qi gong can boost your health and sex life in minutes a day.
A marble bust of a head looks into a mirror and sees a cracked reflection of itself.
If you find yourself drawn to narcissistic partners, there are ways to break the cycle.
A person steps one foot onto a white scale as it sits on a white-tiled floor.
The COVID-19 era mirrors the isolative and restrictive conditions linked to unhealthy habits.
A person stands in jeans with measuring tape around their ankles.
An adversarial relationship with food is often driven by psychological factors and trauma.
A purple awareness ribbon glows against a blue background.
Check for symptoms as an early diagnosis can benefit your general and sexual health.
A torn image of a red scale is collaged with a blue image of a woman holding her head.
Defined by binge eating and purging, the disorder affects more than 6 million people in the U.S.
A white medical coat is glowing red against a blue background.
The fear is real, at least for a small percentage of the population.
A woman in pink stands with a measuring tape tightening her waist.
Know what to look for if you suspect someone has this life-threatening mental health disorder.
A green-tinted brain scan shows dark and light areas of the organ.
You should be aware of the causes, signs and misconceptions, as well as other forms of dementia.
A blue-tinted image of Robert Pattinson is on a purple, streaked background.
The actor shares his struggles with fad diets and workout culture to meet 'insidious' demands.
Camila Mendes is in a yellow evening gown against a teal background.
The actor speaks candidly about recovering from a 'terrible cycle' of bingeing and purging.
A pair of feet stand on a scale with a measuring tape tied around them.
This eating disorder can be treated, but it's vital to do so ASAP to avoid serious health risks.
A yellow light switch is in the ON position along a wall of teal light switches in the OFF position.
One in 40 U.S. adults experience OCD, a combination of one or more of five different types.
A measuring tape wraps around the abdomen of a mannequin.
It requires hard work, but you can overcome the impact of an eating disorder with support.
A man sits on a sofa with his hand under his chin looking to the side in throught.
The U.S. levels are higher than the global average, and Americans are feeling the toll.
A pencil is being slid into a straight line of other pencils in between a row of paperclips and a row of binder clips.
There's a lot more to obsessive-compulsive disorder than handwashing and checking the stove.
A woman stands in front of a mirror in a skirt and bra top with her stomach sucking in.
It's critical to learn more about symptomatology and where and how to get help.
Two figures sit on a bed with a green light shining down on them.
A multifaceted approach is the most effective way to help people dealing with symptoms.
A elder woman walks with a cane as her partner helps her.
Here are some aftercare and therapy options, as well as useful resources for caregivers.
A woman is eating something with a spoon.
Here are the ways these conditions can affect your body, from heart disease to sexual function.
Food falls from the bottom of a plate against a black backround.
Managing life with this mental health challenge is tough. Learn how you can cope with it.
A woman sits on a chair with her head in her hand while two kids run around the room.
It's never too late to get diagnosed with this common condition. It could change your life.
A man sits at a desk in front of papers and his laptop rubbing his nose.
Take a look at some simple ways to combat stressors in your everyday life.
Green pencils are lined up in a row with one pink pencil facing the other direction.
OCD and dating aren't mutually exclusive. Romance might be more difficult but not impossible.
A man sits across from a woman who is holding her head with one hand and a cup of coffee in another.
Starting up new relationships can be stressful, but there are effective strategies that help.
The cover of Overthinking About You by Allison Raskin is set on a pink and orange textured background.
Podcaster and comedian Allison Raskin talks about navigating relationships with mental illness.
Various pictures from daily life flash quickly one after another in a gif with a pink overlay
Often called a child's issue, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder can persist in adulthood.
woman looks to the side as smartphone, laptop, piggy bank and other items circle around her head on a light blue background
There are challenges for a person with this condition, yes, but they're not insurmountable.
purple bust with a swirl for a face with arrows pointing in different directions on a lime marbled background
While it may be natural to shy away from certain situations, avoidance can be a serious problem.
white doctors coat with a pink halo around it on a periwinkle background
Although this healthcare concern is nothing new, the steps to resolve it are slow-moving.
mother embraces daughter who holds her hands over he face in stress
Around 30 million Americans will have eating disorders in their lifetime. Are they inherited?
A blue head opens up from the top with arrows going in different direction.
This disorder is more than a lack of attention.
woman with protruding back bones sits hunched over on gray bed
New research suggests that eating disorders may have biological and psychological causes.
man lays in bed and stares at ceiling as woman sleeps next to him
The failure to diagnose and treat this condition is a major problem in the U.S.
man in light pink shirt leans over toilet bowl in a gray tile bathroom
This eating disorder may cause a drop in testosterone and lead to a number of issues.
brain wearing purple satin sleep mask on blue background
The ties between poor sleep hygiene and mental health can initiate or worsen conditions.
A woman uses measuring tape around her waist while dressed in workout gear.
Eating disorder experts offer tips for how to protect yourself from a summertime relapse.
older woman with short haircut leans against doorframe and looks into the distance stressed
I am one of many ADHD women who had to reach menopause to be diagnosed.
A woman stands with her eyes closed in the middle of a triangle against a blue background.
Research indicates that meditation and related practices can benefit both the brain and body.
pink marble bust looking down next to blue marble bust looking to the right on light blue and pink marbled background
Formerly known as manic depression, this mood disorder is difficult to diagnose and has no cure.
Three images of the same woman with bipolar disorder are layered showing different moods.
Symptoms of bipolar disorder affect the relationships of more than 6 million adults in the U.S.
student writes on paper with blue pen with laptop open in college library
Women are twice as likely to experience depression when going to school. What can we do?
A woman looks to the right under a blue light as an orange shadow of herself screams to the left.
You can maintain healthy and satisfying intimate relationships when you have bipolar disorder.
female college student looking happy in meditation pose with yellow sunburst tint sitting in front of pink laptop
College students may have access to free counseling services right at school.
A pair of hands grip onto prison bars made up of food.
The term is contentious, but experts and those affected say the condition's impact is profound.
A couple sits together on a sofa in front of a therapist.
Using these terms, even in your dating app profile, may lead to manipulation or emotional abuse.
blue balloon with sad face crying on dark blue background
It's OK to feel sad. Humans evolved to experience difficult emotions for a reason.
bare male torso with female hands clawing the skin from behind
Sexual dysfunction can feel debilitating, but there is always a path to liberation.
The cover of BWRT is against a pink cloudy background.
Terence Watts guides people through BWRT, his psychological approach designed to tackle stress.
A woman sits on a her bed with an orangish-yellow overlay.
Experts advise on the challenges of this mental health condition and sexual relationships.
Two women speak with a chat bubble above their head that says TRIGGERED!
Therapist-like terms could be weaponized by your partner and friends to do you harm.
A woman pushes a plate of food away as her hand covers her mouth.
Here's what you need to know about this eating disorder (that's actually a sensory disorder).
A man embraces a woman from behind.
Some people with autism struggle with romantic relationships while others have no problem.
A couple walks away from the camera with an arm around each other's back.
BED can make romance complicated, given how important recovery is, but don't rule out dating.
A man and woman sit across a table laughing while on a date.
People with autism can enjoy intimacy and have successful romantic relationships.
A pair of hands hold a multi-colored puzzle in the shape of a heart.
Autism spectrum disorder presents in ways as varied as the people who are on the spectrum.
A blue-gloved hand holds a ribbon made up of puzzle pieces in multiple colors.
ASD presents in many ways, making it difficult—not impossible—to diagnose, especially in adults.
Three pink cheeseburgers are lined up in a row with a measuring tape wrapped around each one.
Binge eating disorder is the most common eating disorder and can be caused by many factors.
A person sits in front of a table with two cheeseburgers and fries on it.
BED is unlikely to resolve on its own. Recognize the symptoms and learn how to get help.
A woman sits in front of her laptop with two cheeseburgers and chicken wings in front of her.
Sexual health can suffer from BED, too, so getting help is vital. Be aware of the risks.
A man holds his chest while listening to music during Mens Mental Health Month.
Mental health issues affect men just as much as women, but guys are less likely to get help.
A yellow happy face layers over a red angry face.
Learn the causes and risks of bipolar disorder—and what happens if it goes undiagnosed.
A triple-layered image shows a woman facing different directions under a red overlay.
Yes, you can date and have loving relationships when you have bipolar disorder. Here's how.