The Latest from Giddy

Pelvic organ prolapse is a common complaint, but you may have to self-advocate for relief.
Feeling nauseous and experiencing cramping? This penetration pitfall could be the issue.
We asked doctors to explain which vaginal odors are normal—and which are not.
Influencers dispensing unverified medical advice on social media can cause real harm.
Your sexual health is important, so you need a doctor who makes you feel comfortable.
Ovarian cyst? UTI? Experts break down the reasons why it might burn when you urinate.
Speculums and forceps haven't evolved much since the 1800s. Is it time they did?
Recurring infections can lead to complications with these organs near the vaginal opening.
The yoni herbal suppository has no proven benefits and comes with potential side effects.
Removing the uterus is recommended for a variety of conditions.