The Latest from Giddy

This little-known condition threatens your vaginal pleasure.
The 'why' of the increase is unknown, but a new study shows the need for screening and vaccines.
Prepare yourself for all the twists and turns you may face in your sex life.
The answer is probably exactly what you think a vaginal taste should be.
The first-ever count discovers more than 10,000 nerve fibers in the erogenous organ.
Women need to take more precautions than men when they venture into butt play.
If you live in Beyonce's world, you've probably heard the term for fat upper pubic area.
Whether the foods you eat taste good or bad, they won't make your vaginal smell different.
The controversial procedure is common in some countries because of cultural beliefs—and myths.
From being hung upside down to applying cocaine, the cures have been weird and ineffective.