How long has prostitution been around, really?
How long has prostitution been around, really?
Diverse casting and fair payment form the foundation of this sector of adult entertainment.
Tough economic times impact every profession, but like always, adult entertainment will survive.
Porn performers are leading the way in an open conversation about sexual health and safety.
Social media offers performers more agency, control and freedom than they've ever had before.
Before the internet, there was 'dial-a-porn,' erotic chat lines that generated big business.
Against many obstacles, people involved in sex work are fighting to manage their own safety.
And I used to work for one of the services.
A centuries-old stigma about the industry persists, but proponents hold out hope for progress.
An adult film studio discovered an abrupt shift in women's sensibilities…and acted accordingly.
A dancer discusses the highlights and challenges of her profession.
Prostitutes, porn and Edward VII's sinful chair: A look at Victorian era sex.
Prostitutes, porn and Edward VII's sinful chair: A look at Victorian era sex.
A therapist who offers erotic sessions talks about enforcing her limits on the job.
Law enforcement agencies and American courtrooms don’t really know how to handle adult content.
The success of ethical and independent sex media depends not only on laws but banks, too.
Political activism and education are key for this escort.
Two female adult film actors discuss the social changes that revolutionized an industry.
Taking a peek inside the world of 'smut merchant' Harriet Sugarcookie.
Why website's creators aren't counting on the ban reversal.
Completely severing pole dancing from its strip club roots is more than disrespectful.
Sex workers had no involvement in state laws written about them—now they aim to rewrite them.