The Latest from Giddy

Know the symptoms of PID so you can protect yourself.
Many conditions, not just STIs, should make guys think about sheathing their sword more often.
No one wants creepy-crawlies on their genitalia. Be aware of the symptoms and treatments.
There are an estimated 2 million cases of trich, but only 30 percent present symptoms.
New York City has two operating overdose prevention centers, but the U.S. needs many more.
If you're one of the unlucky few with a latex allergy, try protection with different materials.
Considering health and longevity, the old maxim isn't wrong: Prevention is better than cure.
Finding the right partner is already difficult. HSV-2 doesn't have to make it harder.
Testing for this STD is most often a two-step process, but those steps may vary.
Doctors need to determine the type of infection before they can prescribe the treatment.