Here’s what everyone should know about different types of female orgasms.
Aside from pleasure and fun, what else can orgasms do for your overall health and well-being?
Here's what science says about what your body goes through during the big moment.
Sexual fulfillment isn't limited to just having orgasms. It's time to let go and have fun.
Having sex during pregnancy is fine, and there are strategies that can diminish cramping pain.

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FOD is a sexual disorder that can seem overwhelming without the right approach.
Are you finding it hard to climax? Here are some tips to get out of your own head.
The ultimate tease allows couples or individuals to enjoy the 'almost there' sensation.
You may think ejaculating before playing sports is bad. Science has a different answer.
Understanding the physiology of climaxes may help you achieve better ones—and more often.
Pleasure is only the beginning. Did you know orgasms can also be beneficial to your health?
Inhale. Exhale. This mindful technique may be the answer.
No matter how much we learn about female and male orgasms, misinformation continues to abound.
Crunches—among other exercises—can indeed make you climax.