Here’s what everyone should know about different types of female orgasms.
Aside from pleasure and fun, what else can orgasms do for your overall health and well-being?
Here's what science says about what your body goes through during the big moment.
Sexual fulfillment isn't limited to just having orgasms. It's time to let go and have fun.
Having sex during pregnancy is fine, and there are strategies that can diminish cramping pain.

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You may know how to reach your best climax, but what's actually happening from start to finish?
Feeling focused after you finish isn't just a guy thing. Release provides mental benefits.
Most people feel euphoria when they orgasm, but those with sexual anhedonia aren't so lucky.
The start-stop method can help men overcome premature ejaculation.
Sex isn't always necessary to achieve climax. Sometimes all it takes is some fun and relaxation.
It's rare, but some women experience the most powerful climax of their lives.
A giggle after orgasmic sex and a rush of adrenaline is a legitimate phenomenon.
Does your head ever hurt during or after sexual climax? Experts say you’re not alone.
Most guys may think lasting a long time in bed is a blessing, but for many, it's a curse.
Learn all about peegasms, or what your mother never told you about holding in your pee.