The Latest from Giddy

An extra set of eyes can help alleviate anxiety during a sensitive examination or procedure.
Osteopath Evan Goldstein talks all things butt to educate and excite the masses.
If your partner has sleep apnea, prioritize their health over inconveniences in the bedroom.
If the thought of waxing makes you wince, try these pro tips to make the process less painful.
You could take a supplement or a medication, but the best solution might be today's lunch.
How the condition began 15 years ago, the way life changed and what reality looks like now.
Screening guidelines have changed, and timing can make all the difference in detecting cancer.
An infected Skene's gland may be the cause of your bladder discomfort.
Your slumber problem could be negatively impacting your heart, so find the right treatment—now.
Your food has a long journey from being picked to being displayed on store shelves.