The Latest from Giddy

It's time to make that resolution to give your libido a clean slate.
TBIs can lead to erectile dysfunction and ejaculation issues.
Author Craig Bowron, M.D., explains the importance of good health for men ages 40 and beyond.
Bloating is pretty normal, but occasionally it can be a problem.
Treatments for receding hairlines and male pattern baldness could cause problems in the bedroom.
Author Robert P. Friedland, M.D., explains how good health goes beyond diet and exercise.
What are some strategies we can use to reduce the emphasis of alcohol in our lives?
Structural changes are detected in fetuses whose mothers consume less than a drink per week.
The ties are somewhat indirect, but constipation could potentially cause ED.
Workouts, or simply walking, can help ovulation and relieve stress, but there are precautions.