The Latest from Giddy

Differentiating between typical and atypical dermatology can save your life.
Weight stigma can interfere with eating disorder diagnoses, letting a serious issue run rampant.
Early detection—no surprise—and a multispecialty effort may help you avoid a penectomy.
Only time and more trials will tell us if the controversial decision was the right one.
If you develop GVHD after a bone marrow transplant, vaginal issues are common.
Feeling focused after you finish isn't just a guy thing. Release provides mental benefits.
You may think you know this disease, but even the experts are changing their minds.
Alterations on certain genes can predispose people of all sexes to a host of cancers.
From dance clubs to the therapist's couch, Special K leads the psychedelic therapy revolution.
This modality can provide a critical element of hope for long-suffering patients.