The Latest from Giddy

As we change the clocks, get ready for your sex life to take a hit from the winter blues.
MS can take a toll on your mental, physical and sexual well-being.
One of the most important challenges you face if you have the virus is poor nutrition.
Step programs are the gold standard in substance use recovery, but do they work for everyone?
The rate of anaplastic large-cell lymphoma may be higher than previously thought, study finds.
Blood thinners are meant to help prevent heart attack, strokes and clots—what about ED?
Erections that last four hours need attention, though the type determines the urgency.
Short-term shrinkage is normal, but testes that continue to get smaller should be examined.
Dry humping, frottage or outercourse, here's what it means for adults.
A new study suggests doxycycline can reduce STI risk, but there are resistance concerns.