The Latest from Giddy

The goal is to stop drinking safely. But what's the best way to go about that?
High cholesterol can lead to adverse sexual side effects, but medications can help fix them.
Studies show that excessive use of the platforms may negatively impact sexual function in women.
Find out the processes by which CF can diminish quality of life and intimacy.
This eating disorder can be treated, but it's vital to do so ASAP to avoid serious health risks.
Create a gluten-free home, be safe in social settings and know how to react to gluten ingestion.
Long story short: Get tested regularly as this STD can be resolved quickly and easily.
Signs of polycystic ovary syndrome can be found in multiple bodily systems.
Being overweight can create issues with erectile function, performance and fertility.
Exercise and nutrition can help prevent inflammatory bowel disease, new research suggests.