Diet and Nutrition

The Latest from Giddy

It's time to make that resolution to give your libido a clean slate.
Bloating is pretty normal, but occasionally it can be a problem.
What are some strategies we can use to reduce the emphasis of alcohol in our lives?
Structural changes are detected in fetuses whose mothers consume less than a drink per week.
The minimally invasive operation may improve your overall well-being and sex life.
Let's dispel myths: Breasts may change throughout your life, but you can't grow them with milk.
Doctors pan natural home remedies shrink breast lumps, but dietary changes can help.
New research links phthalates, a ubiquitous chemical, with larger abdominal tumors.
One of the most important challenges you face if you have the virus is poor nutrition.
Whether the foods you eat taste good or bad, they won't make your vaginal smell different.