The Latest from Giddy

Erectile dysfunction isn't just about your penis—often it's a sign of other health problems.
Learn what you can do to maintain your erections so diabetes won't wreck your love life.
Menstruation can trigger painful fibromyalgia symptoms, but self-care can help.
Diabetic men are more prone to erectile issues than men at large. Get answers that help.
Crohn's disease, a form of IBD, affects millions of people in the United States.
Cannabis can help you regain your sexual mojo in a number of ways.
With some planning, you can enjoy time out on the town with loved ones, regardless of IBS.
Aching joints don’t have to ruin your romantic life.
Parkinson's gives you enough to handle without having to worry about sexual difficulties.
Stop taking the pink stuff and get to a gastroenterologist.