The Latest from Giddy

Poor management of blood glucose may impair the healing of tiny tears in penile tissue.
Given the close ties between the disease and ED, men should know more about high-tech tools.
Diabetes comes with many secondary complications, including potential sleep problems.
As if you didn't have enough on your plate—your skin may be acting up, too.
Dizziness, abnormal heart rate and loss of balance can happen—but what if it's POTS?
This lung disorder can be debilitating, but it doesn't have to spell the end of your sex life.
Diabetes, thyroid disease and prostatitis are among the ailments potentially linked to PE.
It's not just an old person's condition, and misconceptions can delay diagnosis.
Hashimoto's is an autoimmune disease and the number-one cause of hypothyroidism.
A new diagnosis can be overwhelming, but with practice, you can learn to control the disease.