The Latest from Giddy

If you've recently been diagnosed with cancer, telling your children is an important step.
The journalist says the diagnosis came as a shock, but she benefited from early detection.
STS partners with patients to educate future healthcare providers about this deadly disease.
The removal of tissue for examination has limitations. A simpler form of diagnosis could help.
In the population most affected by prostate cancer, yearly blood testing can help.
A study suggests potential risks with ADT, a common therapy for prostate cancer.
COVID-19 shutdowns have limited cancer patients' access to lifesaving screenings.
Squamous cell carcinoma and various lymphomas have been identified in a small number of cases.
Here are 5 reasons I'm glad I talked to my doctor about my mental health after I beat cancer.
ADT can help shrink prostate cancer tumors, but it can also affect your sex drive.