The Latest from Giddy

Penile dysmorphic disorder is real, and so are its potential effects on your sex life.
Anxiety is more than a mental illness—it can easily become a third wheel.
Are you just a homebody or is it becoming a full-blown phobia?
If you have an anxiety disorder, experts say you're at greater risk of developing OCD.
It's a vague diagnosis, but if your low libido is disrupting your life, it may be worth a check.
If you have a loved one with GAD, offering relief can improve life for both of you.
You already have all the mental tools needed to calm a panic attack—just be ready to use them.
Mental and emotional issues can be as much of a struggle in the bedroom as outside of it.
How much does your state of mind shape your sexual health?
A clinical diagnosis of panic disorder opens the doors to treatment and recovery.