Advocacy and Awareness

The Latest from Giddy

Numerous stressors can negatively affect male fertility, so don't let the virus be another one.
Most drug research doesn't analyze sex-specific data, which puts women at risk.
After several decades and dozens of studies, the results are mixed.
Why website's creators aren't counting on the ban reversal.
Groundbreaking research reveals how genetics and socioeconomics affect survival for Black men.
Broadening our definitions also helps us broaden care, protection and prevention.
An artist shares his story and other tales from the frontlines of the HIV epidemic.
In life and on popular TV, it involves exploiting vulnerable people who need extra love.
Aura migraines, a heavy burden on their own, may have connections to further sensory disorders.
Sex ed and health programs still have a long way to go when it comes to disease prevention.