In Case You Missed It

Research finds more vegetables, fruit and whole grains may reduce incidence by 22 percent.

A study suggests it may be possible to make up for that wild week of sleep deprivation.

Getting appropriate amounts of this essential nutrient can improve your health in many ways.

Undergrad sex weeks invite convos about consent, kink and partnerships.

The Latest from Giddy

Learn secrets to successfully coping with a military deployment from people who've been there.
Here's how you can talk to your partner about ED and how to find a solution.
Prolonged exposure therapy shows promise for mental trauma caused by combat.
People with preeclampsia or eclampsia are at highest risk, a study suggests.
Part stunt coordinator, part advocate, the job is all about mitigating risk to human creatives.
Amazon Prime's TV adaptation of the 1988 movie focuses on the dark truths about women's health.
For some Americans, Memorial Day is a reminder of the ultimate personal sacrifice.
There’s a reason this story genre is booming on the internet: Erotica has its benefits.
Production of male gametes can't stop, won't stop just because a guy is getting older.
It's time to sharpen those solo sex skills and boost your confidence and sense of well-being.