In Case You Missed It

A bone loss diagnosis doesn't have to put a damper on your libido or sexual activity.

Yes, the sex hormone is produced in the testes, but not only there. See what else is a mystery.

Exercising in the cold has some added bonuses, but it's not right for everyone.

Here are a few common reasons you might want to take the plunge into sex therapy.

The Latest from Giddy

ASD presents in many ways, making it difficult—not impossible—to diagnose, especially in adults.
PID is often asymptomatic, so it’s helpful to know what can cause this painful womb infection.
Strong relationships aid in recovery from OUD, but they come with potential pitfalls.
Nocturia—urinating at night—is common, especially among older adults and pregnant women.
Opioid use disorder can be deadly. Recovery is possible with medication, counseling and therapy.
Irritable bowel syndrome has no single known cause and is categorized in four ways.
Supplements for circulation can help some people with ED, but L-arginine may not be enough.
Finding your footing when in recovery from substance use disorder is difficult. There is help.
The opioid crisis has claimed more than half a million lives in a little more than 30 years.