In Case You Missed It

A bone loss diagnosis doesn't have to put a damper on your libido or sexual activity.

Yes, the sex hormone is produced in the testes, but not only there. See what else is a mystery.

Exercising in the cold has some added bonuses, but it's not right for everyone.

Here are a few common reasons you might want to take the plunge into sex therapy.

The Latest from Giddy

There's still a lot we don't know about the causes of depression and the medication to treat it.
Mental health issues affect men just as much as women, but guys are less likely to get help.
The abortion pill remains available via telehealth following the June 13th ruling.
New research suggests dads have a higher risk of heart disease but better mental health.
What is hyperglycemia postprandial meaning, the treatment for it, and how you know you have it.
Pregnancy-related deaths have declined, but stark disparities remain.
The new bill makes it illegal to possess abortion-inducing drugs without a prescription.
This common parasitic infection can affect pregnancy and your sexual health.
A new study suggests discrimination and social stigma are partially to blame.
Your small and simple daily decisions can go a long way to protect and elevate your mood.