In Case You Missed It

Whole grains, fruits, veggies can lower the risk of aggressive cancer and high PSA, studies say.

If you haven't tried it before, you may be ready for a very special kind of brain massage.

Don't sweat the small stuff, unless the small stuff is hyperhidrosis.

Mammary carcinogens may be leaching into our food from plastics, paper and tableware.

The Latest from Giddy

As permanent male birth control, vasectomy is safer and less expensive than tubal ligation.
ED can lead to a lack of desire, but many men with erectile difficulty do maintain libido.
As consumers become more educated, experts expect that ethical practices will go mainstream.
Research doesn't link marijuana use to reducing efficacy, but what about side effects?
Circumcision may reduce STI risk in general, for men and their female partners.
Dating is difficult enough. Add in fatigue and chronic pain and it might seem overwhelming.
Whatever the label, you should know how this infection affects your sexual health.
When the only sex you have is solo, how do you keep your sexual health in tip-top shape?
The first ban on transition healthcare for trans youth is also the first ban to be overturned.
A curved or bent penis can have ramifications on your sex life.