In Case You Missed It

A bone loss diagnosis doesn't have to put a damper on your libido or sexual activity.

Yes, the sex hormone is produced in the testes, but not only there. See what else is a mystery.

Exercising in the cold has some added bonuses, but it's not right for everyone.

Here are a few common reasons you might want to take the plunge into sex therapy.

The Latest from Giddy

Repeatedly finding similar partners can be a sign of an unhealed emotional wound.
BED can make romance complicated, given how important recovery is, but don't rule out dating.
Certain sex positions work better than others for guys dealing with erectile dysfunction.
Some women experience far more than the usual breast growth during pregnancy.
Early detection can increase your survival rate—so what symptoms should you watch for?
Some people with autism struggle with romantic relationships while others have no problem.
Scared to bring a date to your new digs? Use these feng shui tips to spruce up the place.
Market research suggests companies and consumers still have a voracious appetite for self-care.
There's no need for shame—even celebrities discuss this autoimmune disease.
The emotional film is a dive into youth culture and the stigma surrounding the word 'no.'