Sleep and Sleep Disorders | The Basics

Stripping down before bed might get you in the mood—and better prepare you for future sex, too.

Missed rest impacts every aspect of your life, but these devices can eliminate your sleep debt.

A sleep test in a laboratory can be inconvenient, but it can accurately identify your disorder.

You sleep and you sleep and you sleep and yet you're never refreshed. But treatment is possible.

Dreaming is a natural part of your slumber cycle, but too much might indicate a disorder.

Losing an hour may seem inconsequential, but it can cause lasting circadian rhythm disturbances.

While absolute quiet works for some, you may doze off easier with a sleepy soundtrack.

Diabetes comes with many secondary complications, including potential sleep problems.

A reliance on meds to get to sleep can create a dangerous dependency.

When it comes to your health, a good night's slumber should be top priority.

What are the symptoms, causes and consequences, and what can you do about it?

While somnambulism is a rare condition most are familiar with, it says a lot about your sleep.

When bathroom urges regularly interrupt your nightly rest, it's time to take some action.

More than one-third of Americans get less sleep than they should. There are consequences.

Tips and information to help ensure a solid night's sleep.

What your circadian cycles are trying to tell you and why you shouldn't go into the light.

While usually harmless, it can also be a sign of underlying health issues.

We no longer associate sleep paralysis with demons and witches. Is it your ADHD meds instead?

Almost half of American couples prefer to snooze separately—that's not news to take lying down.

Have you ever woken up and been briefly unable to move at all? Hint: It's not the sandman.

When you're up late all the time, there may be an issue with your brain chemistry.

An annoying health issue with serious, long-term repercussions is nothing to smile about.

If it’s not noisy neighbors or an uncomfy bed, the culprit might be in your health or habits.

Without enough sleep, all aspects of your health can suffer. But how much is enough?

If you've only got 20 minutes to spend in the sheets, shut-eye might be better than sex.

It's harder to get a good night's rest as you get older—use these tips to help.

Sleep seems basic, but myths about it and its attendant disorders need to be debunked.

Are you clenching your jaw at night? Here's why and how you can cope.