The Latest from Giddy

Find out what can cause this buildup of scar tissue and how doctors can repair the urethra.
Speculums and forceps haven't evolved much since the 1800s. Is it time they did?
The actor feels she had to share her story due to an emotional connection with her audience.
No, it’s not low libido. Responsive desire is healthy and natural response to sex.
As it turns out, the testes are very connected to your overall well-being.
The journalist says the diagnosis came as a shock, but she benefited from early detection.
Can you have a high sex drive with low testosterone?
Recurring infections can lead to complications with these organs near the vaginal opening.
Love on the beach isn't as simple as in the movies. We have tips for successful sand sex.
Your mental health is important, but improving it doesn't have to inhibit your sex life.