The Latest from Giddy

Can you have a high sex drive with low testosterone?
Love on the beach isn't as simple as in the movies. We have tips for successful sand sex.
Are we doing enough to prepare our children for their future safety?
Grab a pillow and get in the go-to position for an orgasmic experience.
The yoni herbal suppository has no proven benefits and comes with potential side effects.
If you connect productivity to your self-esteem, your mental and sexual health may suffer.
Here's what you need to know about the side effects of testosterone therapy on your vagina.
Here's what determines how frequently a guy can climax and when he should give it a rest.
An elevated level of this hormone can lead to low desire, ED, orgasmic dysfunction and more.
Don't feel weird if you cry after sex or have period-like cramps. Many people do.