The Latest from Giddy

When body chemicals get out of whack, it can affect every aspect of your life.
Try these tips for getting down and dirty in the great outdoors.
A distorted view of your body can cause chaos in your life and relationships.
Whether it’s a little extra lubrication or full-blown orgasms, women can have wet dreams, too.
Want to be prepared for penetration? Here's what to choose from for protection and pleasure.
An estimated 2.2 million adults in the U.S. have it—effective treatments are available.
Fatigue, insomnia, mood swings and hair loss are just a few of the far-reaching effects.
Lots of penises have a curve, slight or significant, but when is it worth considering surgery?
Studies suggest the ideal length of sex might surprise you.
Understanding the dangers of 'trich' can help you protect your reproductive health.