The Latest from Giddy

You might want to stay away from this popular fermented drink when you're expecting.
A chronic illness should not be given the power to snuff out a love life.
Giving the pelvic floor a workout is good for many ailments, but not all.
The grooming products you use are probably damaging the environment—there are better options.
Author and urologist Jesse Mills, M.D., challenges misconceptions about men's sexual health.
The side effects of stopping birth control do not include triggering autoimmune diseases.
The opioid epidemic is nothing new to America. We just haven't gotten around to fixing it yet.
Equality in treatment is vital for queer people who experience anorexia, bulimia and more.
Phytoestrogens are both hailed and hated, but the reality is largely ambivalent.
Downsides to androgen use far outweigh the positives, unless you're a fan of liver damage.